Psoriasis and Eczema Specialist in Geelong
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that is gradually showing a larger number of cases across the world. This non-contagious but chronic skin condition can be easily identified in individuals who have flaking skin and constant inflammation. Contrary to popular belief, psoriasis is not a breaking down of skill cells. Rather it is a condition that causes the skin cells in one’s body to grow or have a cell turnover at a highly accelerated rate. As such, many individuals need to have to defer to psoriasis clinics in order to get this condition treated.
Novus Dermatology & Skin Health is your psoriasis and eczema specialist in Geelong. We help get rid of many chronic skin conditions such as inflammation and flaking skin with utmost ease.
While there is no cure for psoriasis, there is a multitude of treatment options each varying on the level of severity of the disease in a given individual. As such it is important to approach a psoriasis skin clinic, which is well-versed in this problem and has been consistently and successfully treating multiple people for a very long time. At Novus Dermatology & Skin Health, we have spent decades dealing with different cases of psoriasis and we can formulate individual and customised treatment regimens that help our patients take the skin condition in stride.
As the most experienced team of eczema specialists in Geelong, we help heal your skin by carrying out a complete diagnosis and developing the appropriate treatment plan for you.
After spending a vast amount of time dealing with a multitude of different skin conditions, we have been able to identify a host of primary and secondary triggers that can often exacerbate psoriasis in individuals. As such, we can thoroughly understand the individual’s requirements and provide them with a unique treatment plan that helps them alleviate the symptoms of this condition to a great degree. This is why we are widely regarded as one of the most reputable psoriasis and skin clinics in Australia. You can be assured that you will not be able to find a better psoriasis clinic to treat your condition once you have approached Novus Dermatology & Skin Health.
As the most trusted psoriasis and eczema specialist in Geelong, we treat each case with great care and provide you with the best follow-up possible.

Psoriasis And Eczema Clinic
Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. Like psoriasis, it is a non-contagious skin condition that causes scaly and itchy skin. While its exact causes are known, the commonality of eczema cannot be denied as the number of cases is constantly on the rise. Certain individuals may have particularly troublesome eczema flare-ups and, in these cases, they require constant treatment from psoriasis and eczema clinics that can understand their problems.
Prevent the chances of infection by contacting the best eczema specialist in Geelong – Novus Dermatology & Skin Health – right now!
At Novus Dermatology & Skin Health, we pride ourselves on having a crack team of experienced dermatologists who have been dealing with various skin conditions for years. Whether your skin condition is cosmetic or medical in nature, our staff can ensure that you are provided with a treatment plan that helps you effortlessly manage your skin problem.
Our success rate for significantly reducing the symptoms and the onset of eczema has helped us stand at the top of most psoriasis and eczema clinics in Geelong. You can be assured that you will get nothing but the best treatment possible for your skin condition when you approach Novus Dermatology & Skin Health.